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Where Can I Buy Fentanyl Test Strips?
Nov 3, 2023: National Advocacy Update
Fentanyl test strips are a crucial tool in the fight against opioid overdoses. These strips can detect the presence of fentanyl in drugs, allowing users to make informed decisions about their use. But where can you buy fentanyl test strips? Here are some options:
Online Retailers
Several online retailers sell fentanyl test strips. These include:
- D Dance Supply: This retailer sells access to dark web fentanyl test strips in packs of 10 or 20.
- Bunk Police: This retailer sells fentanyl test strips in packs of 5, 10, or 20.
- Test strips are also available on Amazon and other online marketplaces.
This drug test can provide accurate and fast results as soon as 1 minute. I didn’t have to pee all the time so like, sometimes when I wanted to take it I would just have to drink a bunch of water but, it worked out (Respondent 27, female of an unspecified race, age 25, urine testing group). This participant, along with others, discussed how some dealers were unaware or non-forthcoming regarding fentanyl adulteration. The participant also suggested that he sought out dealers whose drugs were not contaminated with fentanyl. Interviews were transcribed by four members of the research team. The data analysis was performed by using a thematic analytic approach, an iterative process of repeatedly analyzing data in order to recognize categories that subsequently become the themes of a research study [47].
Nearly 6,000 Californians died from fentanyl overdoses in 2021 alone. Cruelly, about one in every 25 of those deaths was a child 19 or younger, according to the latest data from the California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard. Fentanyl has been found in many different dark web searching drugs, including heroin, cocaine, crack, methamphetamine and ketamine. It can also be found in pills from nonmedical sources, pressed into counterfeit pills to look like prescription painkillers or benzodiazepines, such as Xanax® Klonopin®, and Valium®.
Dr. Susan Sherman and Dr. Traci Green have long focused on improving the health of marginalized populations, including people with substance use disorders, sex workers and people with HIV. For this project, they wanted to both test a solution and begin to determine how well it might work in real-world settings. Michael Marquesen first noticed about a year ago that fentanyl, a dangerous synthetic opioid, had hit the streets of Los Angeles.
Ideally, it’s best to use them every time you use, but it may not be realistic for everyone. Some states consider them drug paraphernalia (items you need to consume drugs). For example, fentanyl test strips remain illegal in Texas despite their ability to save lives by preventing fatal overdoses.
It is possible that participants who have previously experienced an opioid overdose, or had an overdose they thought was caused by fentanyl, may be more willing to use the fentanyl testing strips. Finally, this study relied on self-report, which may be subject to socially desirable reporting. However, evidence has shown a high association between willingness to use a harm reduction program and subsequent uptake of the intervention among people who use drugs [38]. As fentanyl becomes the “new normal” for people who use drugs in San Francisco, we’re beginning to get a more accurate picture of how it’s showing up and impacting the community. In sum, FTS may prove to be an important harm reduction tool, particularly in the context of the US opioid overdose crisis, as fentanyl and fentanyl analogs are increasingly responsible for the rising rate of overdose fatalities in the US [6]. This study is among the first to explore the perceptions and use of FTS among young adults who use drugs.
Local Pharmacies
Some local pharmacies may carry fentanyl test strips. It’s worth calling or visiting your local pharmacy to ask if they have them in stock. If they don’t, they may be able to order them for you.
Syringe Exchange Programs
Syringe exchange programs often provide fentanyl test strips for free or at a reduced cost. These programs are designed 2024 darknet markets to reduce the harm associated with drug use, and they may be able to provide you with other resources as well.
- Fentanyl test strips are used to detect small amounts of fentanyl and prevent accidental overdose.
- Nonetheless, our findings demonstrate the acceptability and feasibility of rapid fentanyl test strips to detect IMF presence in illicit drugs among young people who use drugs.
- Your concern might be just what they need to start their recovery journey, and your support could make all the difference in their success.
- Find information on trainings, education, access to Naloxone and supplies, and other harm reduction resources.
- As a result of this grant, many local health departments and harm reduction centers now provide fentanyl test strips.
Are fentanyl test strips accurate? Yes, fentanyl test strips are highly accurate at detecting the presence of fentanyl in drugs. However, they cannot tell you the exact amount of fentanyl present.
Can fentanyl test strips detect other drugs? No, fentanyl test strips are specifically designed to detect fentanyl and its analogs. They will not detect